8 Best Practices for the Highest Instagram Engagement in 2023

Hyport Digital team

If you are researching how to increase Instagram engagement, you’re not alone. Instagram is a continuously growing social media platform. With the addition of Guides and Reels, users can create content in a variety of visual formats to catch viewers’ attention. In this blog, we’ll share some of our Instagram tips to help you win. 


1. Find times to post for best Instagram engagement. 

Did you know that the Instagram algorithm rewards content that produces a high number of likes in a short period of time? When you are scheduling out your posts for the week, take stock of what times of the day and which days of the week bring in the most likes, shares and comments. 


How to use Instagram Insights to determine the best time to post:

  • Go to your Instagram Insights page.
  • Next to “Your Audience,” click on “See All.”
  • Scroll down to the very bottom of the page until you see “Most Active Times.”
  • Toggle between “Hours” and “Days” to see when your followers are most active on Instagram. 


If you are new to the Instagram game, check out this article from Hubspot that provides global data for when to post based on your industry. 


2. Interact with your followers with Story stickers.

According to research conducted by Instagram, 50% of people surveyed have visited a company’s website to purchase a product or service as a result of a Story ad. Instagram Stories are hugely popular and provide a unique way to interact with your followers. 


Organic reach is easier to garner on Instagram than it is on Facebook. You can use Story stickers like polls, multiple choice questions and countdown stickers to quickly interact with your audience and create higher Instagram engagement. Brands who use Story stickers can conduct market research and gauge interest by surveying their followers in a fun way. 


Earlier this year, Hyport Digital hosted a fun quiz about the best and the worst Super Bowl ads of 2021. We had great interactions on our post, and it was a fun way to stay relevant to current events. 


3. Research best hashtags for your business, service or product.

Let’s quickly break down how to use Instagram hashtags. Remember: trending hashtags on Twitter are not going to be the same as the trending hashtags on Instagram. So don’t fall into that trap. You need to conduct research on Instagram-specific hashtags to discover where and how to use them. Check out other popular accounts in your industry to see what hashtags they use. You can also simply conduct a Google search on trending hashtags in your location and industry.


In addition, make sure you add location tags to your photos so local customers can easily find your business. Location hashtags are another easy way to garner attention from local prospective customers. If you are located in a small town, tag a few of the closest large cities to attract more viewers.


4. Place product tags strategically to increase Shopping purchases.

If you are a product-based business, take advantage of the Instagram Shop. Customers can find your product and purchase it all on Instagram. When you use product tags on a post, make sure that you place them strategically.

Don’t layer product tags over the top of each other, and don’t place the product tag over the product in the picture. We recommend sticking to one main product in your post with another companion product beneath it. 


5. Implement Instagram Guides to showcase your products or services.

Hyport Digital posted a recent blog about Instagram Guides and how to use them for your business. This is a really neat tool for businesses to utilize. Think of Guides as a visual catalogue of previous posts. This is especially useful for product-based businesses who sell on Instagram. You can organize your product posts in categories like “holiday gift ideas” or “women’s running shoes.” When a viewer is interested in your product, they can simply go to your profile, click on Guides and browse through your catalogue of products. Don’t forget to promote your Guides in your Story!


6. Create data-driven content that is shareable and saveable.

Data and infographics are great pieces of content that users may find helpful to save for later. Brainstorm specific content topics that are relevant to your target audience.

Carousel posts are great options for saveable content. Tips and how-to posts that are helpful to your viewers may also be saved. 


When you create a unique image or graphic with new data in your industry, your followers may decide to share your post in their Stories. That automatically tells the algorithm that your content is helpful and relevant, which will increase how many people see your content organically. Sometimes, users forget that they can save a post or share it in their Story. Add a note in your caption to remind your followers to do so.


7. Create interesting video content via IGTV and Reels.

If you are really seeking ways to increase your Instagram engagement, this is our greatest piece of advice. Use video. Video content is growing in popularity by leaps and bounds. Instagram created Instagram Reels to compete with the hugely popular TikTok. Reels are already a huge success for Instagram, and it’s a great way for a business to showcase their personality to a wider audience. 


IGTV has been around longer than Reels, and video posts are still more engaging than photo posts. The movement of a video automatically causes the viewer to pause to see what the video is about. Create something fun and unique on IGTV that users will want to stop and watch. Make a “day in the life” video about working at your business or show a “behind the scenes” look at how you make your product. Humor and authenticity are both fun and engaging to viewers.


8. Post consistently.

The Instagram algorithm wants to see that you have an active account. We recommend using a service like Buffer so you can schedule posts out in advance when you have a busy week ahead. Not every business owner can find time to post daily. Find what is realistic for you and your time. Our social media team recommends posting no less than 3x a week and no more than 7x a week. As we’ve covered, change up the medium of your posting by using photos, videos, Reels, Guides and Stories. 


Our team at Hyport Digital loves Instagram and the opportunity that it brings to our business. Instagram brings viewers together by offering a fun, visual social media experience. 


Follow us on Instagram to get some ideas about posts and content that you can use for your business!

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